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Membership Benefits

CAC members participate in Chicago’s only coalition of asthma advocates and support community-based asthma awareness activities.

CAC members also receive:
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Discounts on CAC activities and CAC-member activities
  • Access to and valuable networking opportunities with leading experts in the asthma community
  • Opportunity to participate and lead a CAC Committee
  • Opportunity to interact with CAC’s Asthma Community Advisory Board
  • Opportunity to serve on CAC's Board of Directors
  • Access to latest asthma news and information through the members’-only listserv
  • Options for free or discounted continuing education credits
  • Participation in asthma advocacy activities

Membership Categories

Individual Membership ($30 annually)
Open to all individuals who wish to support CAC's mission and engage as a member of the CAC!

Organizational (Non-Profit, <20 Employees) ($150 annually)
Intended for non-profit organizations with less than 20 employees that provide services to individuals with asthma or would like to support the work of CAC and who have less than 20 employees total. Includes membership benefits on all individuals within your organization that share an institutional email address!

Organizational (Non-Profit, 20+ Employees) ($300 annually)
Intended for non-profit organizations with 20 or more employees that provide services to individuals with asthma or would like to support the work of CAC and who have less than 20 employees total. Includes membership benefits on all individuals within your organization that share an institutional email address!

Organizational (For-Profit) ($500)
Open to for-profit organizations engaged in a field related to the care and treatment of individuals with asthma or organizations that would like to support the work of CAC. Includes membership benefits on all individuals within your organization that share an institutional email address!

400 E. Randolph St., Suite 3115, Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 888-268-8334 Fax: 312-540-9900

Information contained on this website is provided with the understanding that Chicago Asthma Consortium, this site and its services, including all of the resources provided, serve informational purposes only. Only a doctor who is treating you can provide you with medical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. The Chicago Asthma Consortium does not endorse any medical or professional services referred to on this site or any links to this site. It also does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions, or any other information that may be mentioned. While we try to keep the information on this site accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy, timeliness or completeness.

© 2025 Chicago Asthma Consortium

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software